Saturday, June 28, 2014

东京第五天 - Akihabara,Odaiba 及 迎接2014

东京第五天 - Akihabara,Odaiba 及 迎接2013

今天就到秋叶原逛逛。。秋叶原可是动漫迷的圣地,非去不可。。时间还早,就到附近享用早餐咯~~ 点了两样套餐,我的还有纳豆,不错吃。

充满活力又美丽的城市,色彩缤纷啊~~ 好有特色~~  

 来到了YODOBASHI AKIBA,最高一楼可以转鸡蛋,有100,200及300yen的,任你选。这里转比马来西亚还要便宜,我们转了很多海贼王,黑子的篮球及Ultraman。


还有动漫的主题餐厅 - GUNDAM CAFE。对Gundam 没兴趣,所以Pass咯。。
门外小小的及在ODAIBA大大的GUNDAM 模型,很YENG!!



接着赶场到ODAIBA台场,我们从Asakusa浅草塔超级有形的水上巴士Himiko Boat。

By Boat
Most of the water buses are operated by the Tokyo Cruise Ship Company. The Asakusa-Odaiba Direct Line (50 minutes, 1520 yen, 2-4 boats per day) is one of the most popular routes because of its boldly designed Himiko boats with panoramic windows. The boats do not run on the second Tuesday and Wednesday of each month (except for August).
The Sumida River Line runs from Asakusa to Hama Rikyu garden (45 minutes, 720 yen, about 12 boats per day). The dock at Hama Rikyu is located within the garden's paid grounds, so disembarking means that travelers also have to pay the garden's entry fee (300 yen). The boats then travel a further five minutes to the Hinode Pier, where a transfer can be made to boats bound for Odaiba. Note that Hama Rikyu is not served by boats in direction of Asakusa.

The Odaiba Line travels from Hinode to Odaiba Seaside Park (20 minutes, 460 yen, about 15 boats per day), with 5 boats per day stopping along the way at Harumi. The Tokyo Big Sight-Palette Town Line travels to both the Tokyo Big Sight and Palette town attractions (about 30 minutes, 400 yen, 7 boats per day Boats once an hour from 1:25-5:25pm, Wednesday-Sunday), but two boats per day only travel to Tokyo Big Sight and none of the boats run on Mondays and Tuesdays (except in the case of national holidays).


Rainbow Bridge彩虹大
The Rainbow Bridge connects Odaiba to the rest of Tokyo. The two story bridge is an iconic symbol of the bay and is especially beautiful during its nightly illumination. The bridge supports an expressway, a regular road, the Yurikamome train line and pedestrian walkways along both sides.
9:00-21:0011月~3 10:00-18:00

台場海濱公園 Odaiba Kaihin Koen
位於東京彩虹橋旁台場一側,是供遊人在海邊散步的海濱公園。由台場海濱公園可眺望東京灣的美景和東京灣跨海大橋彩虹橋的壯麗景觀。台場海濱公園與附近有購物、娛樂、餐飲等商業設施,同時還設有海上巴士遊覽船的碼頭。【日本漫遊網站版權所有 嚴禁轉載】
港區台場1-4-1, 03-5500-2455, 入園自由

自由女神像 Statue of Liberty




来到这里,当然不能错过Tokyo City Plaza 外的巨型Gundam 模型。我们很幸运的,刚好去到就有Gundam 表演,会亮灯,发出烟气及背景声音。

DiverCity Tokyo Paza
Shops: 10:00 to 21:00
Restaurants: 11:00 to 23:00
Gundam Front Tokyo: 10:00 to 22:00 (from 9:00 on weekends), 1000 yen
Closed: No closing days
This new shopping, dining and entertainment complex opened on April 19, 2012. Its most unique attraction is the Gundam Front Tokyo with various attractions and a shop centered around the anime series' robots. A "life sized" Gundam statue stands in front of the building.

逛完台场,我们到六本木Roppongi的Tokyo Midtown City View 欣赏夜景。网上介绍这里可以高处及近距离观赏东京铁塔,入场费折扣后一人1200yen,有点小贵。个人觉得这里还好,而且当天是2013年倒数,晚上有Pub,很多人在这里喝酒。我们逗留了一阵子就回去了。


Tokyo Midtown City View
Hours: 10:00 to 23:00 (until 25:00 on Fridays and Saturdays)
Sky Deck opens from 11:00 to 20:00 when the weather permits
Admission: 1500 yen, additional 300 yen for Sky Deck; combination tickets for the Mori Art Museum are often available
Located at the top of the Mori Tower, the Tokyo City View observation deck has high ceiling and glass walls that extend all the way around the building, giving visitors views of the entire city. Additionally, Sky Deck is an open-air rooftop deck that can be accessed when the weather permits.
東京メトロ H日比谷線 「六本木駅」 1C 出口  徒歩0分(地下道直結)
都営地下鉄 E大江戸線 「六本木駅」 3出口  徒歩4
都営地下鉄 E大江戸線 「麻布十番駅」 7出口  徒歩5  (很深 請不要嘗試...)
東京メトロ    N南北線    「麻布十番駅」  4出口徒歩8



2014年,新年快乐~~ HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014~~


