Thursday, April 30, 2009


今天下午,整个人都开始转变了。 变得快要不认识自己了。。。
哈哈。。 很搞笑,原来我们开始变了。
哇,变到很窜了。 简直是非名牌不买,嫌弃便宜货。搞得觉得自己已经是个有钱人,可以到处撒钱,烧钱。简直窜到。。。。


Monday, April 27, 2009

Organ Donation

yesterday, i went to help my mum to set up an organ donation counter in shopping centre.
reach there, face some problem. there have blood donation campaign organize by a factory. they din to any promotion to attract the people. so, just a few people came, most of them are Malay. my mum keep saying that the Malay wont sign up as organ donor. WHY??
since all of us will die one day, why don't donate our organ to those who still alive and still needed??they need our help to survive, and we dont need since it not belong to us anymore.
did we still wan to keep our dead body forever??
it will change into nothing after many years or disappear as we burn it.

sit there about 2 hours. but, just have 1 Chinese man came to sign up. plus me, just gt 2 person. haha, so pity...
but, before wan to sign up, need to discuss with our parents since it is difficult to make decision, and we still young and not mature enough.
however above 18 years old dont need permission from parents oh^^
(*i look like promoter, haha, gila liao)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

1st year memories

1st sem life
1st time, by bus, with mum, go to USM engineering campus....
reach there early in the morning, about 4 am...wit sleepy eyes
wait until register, finally.. step into my lovely room, clean all the dust, meet my roommate....

orientation week, not so horrible as thought, all the PPMS are nice....
searching..... who have same frequency friends wit me...
finally, catch ya ... haha ^^
thanks for keep supporting me and teach me, not only just in study, and others... ex, my poor Chinese T_T

join orientation camp of Buddhist society, meet many new friends that not same course....
happy to meet them....

furthermore, go for interview for shequ group... but, i not expected i will got it, haha... really shock when they announced.... glad i got it now...
Now, i have my shequ family wit me.... especially hui feng and qi dong, learn a lot from them....

end of the year, too many ppl birthday edi.... haiz, until now still cant believe i the 2nd older in my geng, my birth is on Aug le!! but luckily i not the 1st one, haha.... ks, u are the king!!
all this celebration are my sweet memories....

mOOncake festival, join the community, in publicity our group leader, kelvin, a nice man... the T-shirt is he design 1 lo.... so, eat moon cake and play play play lo....

of coz, don't forget the suffering final exam... at last, have a penang trip.... shun bian send yx plane, go back sarawak.... go a lot of place, play 国王的游戏, visit penang airport... haha...

some more, ks did a crazy things... guess what.... haha...please guess fr this photo....

2nd sem life
b4 started school time, go alor setar for Buddhist camp.... there, mix up more closer wit them... really enjoy and learn a lot... thanks to shi fu, and all the community member....+ pau, thanks for send me there, haha..

started a new sem, this sem really pack the time table, full of assignment, test, tutorial
moreover, not many holiday, cant enjoy this sem, just busy, busy and busy....

but, still have some fun activity la... if not, die of desire entertainment =_=
making tang yuan wit friends....
baking biscuit with 慈济 and join 慈济的岁末祝福...

happy Chinese new year lo.... 1st time celebrate in campus
din join the community, but just as an audience, more relax type of entertainment...

WUS, keusahawaan, learn how to build up a business, earn money by ourselves... but, i dont think its useful to everyone....haha

little grass concert, 1st time join as community, can learn how to handle the spot light, quite a good experience....

Material Night, din go.... don't ask the reason, coz... no reason==
but still got go out, go lean poh house play, take a good rest to walk further....

started study week, then final exam for 1 week plus, finally, holiday lo....
but b4 enjoy, need to do somethings 1st, go 实地考察, finally has decided to set our orientation camp at gurun fo jiao hui... happying....

shequ, is waiting for me, need to continue to my excited, but need to do homework b4 go.... so, cant transfer into pig edi, still can live as human.... so glad...

Friday, April 10, 2009



到了MUNMUN, 看到有一个NEW字,就很好奇地去看了(haiz... 好奇心真的会害死人的)
哈哈,不能怪MunMun, 只能怪自己不争气,太容易受外境影响了。也要感谢MunMun大。。大人(不知道是大哥还是大姐),把欢乐带给大家,为我那单调的世界,添上了一些色彩。不然我会读书读到疯掉,天天面对这四面墙壁,快要进化变成在天天面壁思过了。。
[恋空] 深深的吸引着我了。 整个早上,就让我看完恋空了。。。
堕落了这么久,是时候收是好心情, 从现在开始努力用功读书了!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


从上一个星期社区培辅营,在《知彼知已,将心比心》游戏环节里,收到的feedback 是-
今天,从佛学会总检讨里, 也收到了一些feedback。
Calyn, 缺乏信心,got many input but no output, 没有做好计划就冲动的做了。

大家的feedback, 当然也有一些好的,哪些就不讲了,会paise的^^
以前的我,也许大家都不相信吧,我是那种温室里的花,只是在家乖乖读书的类型,也没举办过任何活动。 大学的生活,对我来说,是修炼的道场,是自我提升,自我充实的好机会。不想就把这四年的生活,只是用在学业上而已,白白浪费了时间及青春。等老了以后,再后悔当初为什么没好好留一些大学时光美好的回忆。